Caviro Group’s Circular Economy Presented in Rome

The meeting, organized by AssoDistil at a branch office of the Chamber of Deputies, focused on the sustainability of the distillation chain

Recently, Chairman of Caviro Group Carlo Dalmonte was invited to Rome, to the Parliamentary Groups’ Chamber (a branch office of the Chamber of Deputies inaugurated for the 150th anniversary of the Unification of Italy), to attend “The Sustainability of the Distillation Chain”, an event organized by AssoDistil, the Italian National Distillers Association, with the presence of Rai journalist Marco Frittella, who moderated the meeting.

Dalmonte’s speech, entitled “Dal Grappolo al Campo” (From Bunch to Field), described in detail the circular economy model of Caviro Group, which includes the recovery and exploitation of waste materials coming from the agri-food chain, as well as mowing and pruning wastes. The result of this process are noble products that return to the market as raw materials, electricity, thermal energy and biofuels, in a cycle in which everything is renewed and transformed.

In addition to president Dalmonte, speakers included Filippo Gallinella, president of the Agriculture Committee at the Chamber of Deputies; Flavio Santoro, Manager of Lifegate Rome; Antonio Emaldi, AssoDistil President; Sergio Lombardini, Biotech Director Eni Versalis.