Caviro Group joins “Wine in Moderation”

This International program promotes responsible wine drinking based on scientific grounds

Caviro Group has joined “WINE IN MODERATION”, an international program launched in 2008 by the European wine industry that promotes healthy lifestyles, helps to reduce alcohol-related issues, and promotes a sustainable wine culture, thus demonstrating its social responsibility.

The program, spread in 17 Countries and involving more than 1,400 organizations, is based on scientific evidence, education, and self-regulation, and aims at organizing and empowering the whole international wine value chain by increasing awareness towards consumers and knowledge of consumption habits.

Responsible consumption is a core value for the Caviro cooperative group, as our President Carlo Dalmonte mentioned during the last World Forum of Wine Cooperatives. Joining “Wine in Moderation” is a further step in that direction, to promote the adoption of healthy and sustainable habits.

Il Gruppo Caviro aderisce a “Wine in moderation”