Ethics First: Caviro is SA8000 Certified

The company is committed to collaborating with its shareholders, suppliers and partners in order to guide them towards the same strategies of Social Responsibility

Caviro firmly desired the SA8000 CERTIFICATIONSTANDARD ON SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY, which adds to the several other certifications that – every year – place this company among the most important international realities for the commitment towards environmental sustainability, quality, legality and safety.

SA8000 Certification commits Caviro Group to respect precise principles of Social Responsibility and to work in a way that positively affects the social and cultural impact of its activities on local territory and communities.

SA8000 Certification – which identifies an International Standard drafted by CEPAA (COUNCIL OF ECONOMICAL PRIORITIES ACCREDITATION AGENCY) – evaluates those business management aspects involving the respect of human and workers’ rights, the protection against the exploitation of child labor, and the guarantees of health and safety in the workplace. It is based on different international conventions such as ILO, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, international human rights standards, and national labor laws.
In detail, Caviro SCA respects the following principles:

  • Exclude any form of child labor and forced labor;
  • Recognize working hours in compliance with the law;
  • Ensure the worker a decent wage;
  • Guarantee the freedom of trade union associations;
  • Guarantee the worker right to be protected by collective bargaining;
  • Provide safety in the workplace;
  • Ensure a healthy workplace;
  • Prevent any discrimination based on gender, race, sexual orientation, religion, and political opinions.



Based on these principles, the company undertakes to 
collaborate with suppliers and partners in order to guide them towards the same operational strategies.

Any violation or suspected violation of the principles of SA8000 standards and/or any other information related to the implementation of the above-mentioned principles can be reported to the Social Performance Team (SPT) of Caviro Soc. Coop. Agricola, by sending an e-mail to SOCIALTEAM@CAVIRO.IT.
All of this as a thrust of a modern business system, whose strength comes from the cooperative and collaboration principles that a supply chain as Caviro – the most important in the Italian wine sector – applies every day and in which it strongly believes.
In this direction, the company annually prepares the Sustainability Report, a public and informative document assessing the social, environmental and economic effects of Caviro SCA’s activities, with the aim of transparently communicating them to the community and ensuring that, in the medium and long term, the company makes decisions consistent with its social commitment.