Caviro Protagonist At The 2020 Edition Of The Restart Urban Festival In Imola

The Group supplied the europallets for the setup of the event and inspired a panel realised by a street artist

Caviro confirms its commitment towards social and environmental responsibility by supporting the RestArt Urban Festival 2020, the International Festival of urban regeneration through street-art and arts in general, held in Imola. An artistic open-air laboratory dedicated to environmental sustainability, which ended on September 13th.

The event, at its 8th edition, was organized by the NOIGIOVANI Cultural Association and was originally started as a moment of promotion of the themes of urban regeneration, the respect for the res publica and the environment. Every year, Italian and international artists come to Imola to “revamp” its forgotten corners and the areas at risk of neglect and abandonment.

The 2020 edition of RestArt involved the area between the Cavina Gym, the Professional institute Cassiano and the Ipia Alberghetti institute, all spaces in the proximity of the large complex of the former Osservanza psychiatric hospital, to which the Festival intends to pay a special attention.

The core theme – environmental sustainability – was interpreted by the several street artists who reached the city, including Bordalo II, a Portuguese artist, who created an imposing sculpture with garbage and waste materials, according to his style.

Alongside the connection with the theme of this year’s edition and the particular bond between the work of Caviro and that of the sculptor from Lisbon, RestArt is for sure an event we feel very close to – points out Carlo Dalmonte, president of Caviro Group -. Let’s not forget that our Cooperative is a circular economic model and that it produces noble products every day, from the derivatives of wine processing. The themes, goals and the model of community involvement of the Festival therefore reflect our conception of planning: collaborative, close to people, with an eye on the future and on the future generations. For this reason, we are particularly happy to have contributed to the 2020 edition of the Festival”.

The Caviro Group supported RestArt by supplying 300 euro pallets for the setup of the event. Furthermore, a 2.25×1.25m panel, dealing with the theme of circular economy and created by an artist involved in the Festival, was dedicated to Caviro’s circular economy.