Caviro President Carlo Dalmonte was appointed to chair the World Forum for Wine Cooperatives

This is the second time for Dalmonte, who succeeds to the Argentinian Eduardo Sancho. The election took place during the Pre-Forum held at the premises of the Spanish Cooperative Bodega Cuatro Rayas.

Caviro’s president Carlo Dalmonte was elected to chair the World Forum for Wine Cooperatives (Forum Mondiale delle Cooperative del Vino, FMCV) for the second time. His appointment came at the end of the Pre-Forum held on May 19-20 at the Spanish Cooperative Bodega Cuatro Rayas.

A prelude to the 11th­ World Forum

During the meeting, Dalmonte took a moment to praise the cooperative movement: “It allows us to join our forces in order to grow and acquire value on the market”. It is in this vein that – starting from 2001 – FMCV has brought together thousands of producers of still and sparkling wine and must from Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, Spain, Portugal, France, Italy and Australia, with the aim of establishing strategic alliances to improve the competitiveness of wine cooperatives in the global market.

The Pre-Forum represented the prelude to the upcoming 11th¬ FMCV Forum, which will be held in Italy, precisely in Emilia-Romagna, at Caviro premises.

During the two-day event the representatives, who met both in presence and via videoconference from their country, shared technical and business experiences, and discussed topics of common interest, including input, logistic, energy supply and packaging issues, as well as the increase in cost due to the post-pandemic scenario.

OIV Support                                                             

Before Carlo Dalmonte’s election, his predecessor Eduardo Sancho shared a few words sent by Pau Roca – Director General of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV), which includes more than 120 delegates and experts of the wine sector from 48 countries.

In his message, Roca highlighted how the coordination between cooperatives is essential to address some of the challenges facing the wine sector, including “climate change, digitalization and product legitimacy against the unjustified attacks it receives in the name of health protection”.