Caviro finalist at the 5th edition of the European Award for Cooperative InnovationCaviro finalista alla 5° edizione dell’European Award for Cooperative Innovation

The Group based in Faenza has been selected for the “Bioeconomy and Circularity” category

Caviro Group has been selected among the three finalists of the 5th edition of the European Award for Cooperative Innovation for the category “Bioeconomy and Circularity – Environmental Value Creation”.

The Award, an initiative by two large European cooperative representation organizations which are Copa and Cogeca, is dedicated to cooperative innovation in the agricultural, food, forestry and fishing industries and is open to European cooperatives of any kind or size.

At the forefront for Sustainability

In line with the objectives of the 2030 Agenda, Sustainability is the main theme of the Award, which is divided into three macro categories: Economic Value Creation, Social Value Creation and Environmental Value Creation.

Caviro Group has applied with two important projects. The first, “Water recovery in the cellar”, deals with the recovery of the water used in the production processes of the Caviro wine bottling site in Forlì (Italy); the second, ”Advanced Biomethane for the Automotive Industry and CO2 Recovery” concerns the plant in Faenza, which collects the by-products of wine production and the agri-food chain. Here, an anaerobic digestion process takes place to transform by-products into advanced biomethane – a renewable biofuel intended for the automotive industry – and into high-quality, renewable CO which, instead of being released into the atmosphere, is collected, liquefied, and reintroduced into the food and beverage industry (plant with negative CO balance).

Proud and satisfied

“We are proud to be among the finalists of this international Award, one of the most prestigious for the agricultural industry. – so the president of Caviro Carlo Dalmonte – Our business model is cooperative, so we are open to discussion and dedicate special attention to the society we are part of. This sensitivity translates into sustainable and innovative actions, which impact the entire supply chain and reach the final consumer”.