Caviro biomass plant will heat Alpha Tauri factory

The agreement between the two groups will result in a significant reduction of CO2 emissions from the Faenza racing team

A strategic agreement has been made: the heating of Alpha Tauri factory in Faenza will be provided by Caviro Group using energy produced from the waste of wine production. This is an historic eco-friendly turning point for the racing team owned by Red Bull.

The reasons for the agreement

Alpha Tauri has made an assessment of its environmental impact, certifying the production of approximately 15,000 tons of CO2 in 2019. To achieve Formula 1’s common goal, the racing team of Faenza is pursuing the aim of neutralizing its pollutant emissions by 2030.

In addition to those produced by racing cars, Alpha Tauri also aims at cutting emissions derived from logistics, facilities, factories and travelling, which are the most impacting. 70% of those emissions actually come from the operations of the Faenza-based factory.

Hence the desire to look for a partner who considers – as Caviro Group does – sustainability and circular economy as the core values of its business model.
The role of Caviro Group

The agreement provides for the creation of a district heating system at the Alpha Tauri factory, to completely replace the methane gas consumption.

The energy supply will be provided, through a dedicated line, by the nearby biomass power plant property of Caviro Group.

In 2022, when the district heating service will be operational, it should allow to cut Alpha Tauri CO2 emission by over 6% compared to 2019.


Photo by Sergio Montanari