The Wine Chain Looks For Shared Solutions To Face Climate Change

In the last few days, the MEDlab conferences took place in Romagna: the event brought together the partners of the international MEDCLIV network, which also includes Caviro.

The temperature increase in the Mediterranean region is higher than in the rest of the globe and this factor has an impact on the wine industry. Some Mediterranean vines are already close to the critical limit of their optimal conditions; this requires adaptation strategies and, at the same time, fosters the supply chain to commit to virtuous initiatives, in order to reduce its carbon footprint.

MEDCLIV (Mediterranean Climate Vine and Wine Ecosystem) operates in this context: a network – which Caviro is also part of – bringing together actors from the world of research and business from six European Countries holding most of the Mediterranean wine production (Cyprus, Slovenia, Italy, France, Spain and Portugal).

In the past few days, MEDCLIV organized “MEDlab in Romagna”, a laboratory on climate change and its impact on the wine chain. In his opening statement, the President of Caviro Carlo Dalmonte commented: «We are a large cooperative group, and we know we actively contribute to finding solutions to the issues we are facing. Our commitment to innovation, sustainability and a circular economy is a priority, and we are proud to be part of this prestigious initiative. Of course, answers are not round the corner. It will take time, but a virtuous path requires going the extra mile, and the effects can only be positive”.

“I agree with the need to raise the level of analysis with respect to the challenges we have to face – said the Mayor of Faenza Massimo Isola. This European project can make a significant impact, bringing the world of research closer to the production system”.

Climate change will have an impact on the AG industry chain and a strong alliance with science is necessary to study the effects and the technological solutions which can protect and preserve the beauty and taste of our lands – commented Vincenzo Colla, Councillor for Economic Development and Green Economy of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Universities, technopoles and innovation systems shall become places where companies participate, and our Region wants to play its part and streamline these processes by simplifying procedures, supporting investments, and involving companies in high innovation construction sites“.

The issues that emerged during this first event, which included thematic dialogue tables dedicated to the Emilia-Romagna area, will then be the subject of a subsequent meeting scheduled for November 27th.

The MEDCLIV project is financed by EIT Climate-KIC. The project leader is the Edmund Mach Foundation of San Michele all’Adige (Trento, Italy). Another Italian partner is the Institute for BioEconomy (IBE) of the CNR – Italian National Research Council, Bologna office.