2023 Grape Harvest: significant drop in the production, qualitatively positive enologicalprevisions, most of the regions have been characterized by extraordinary events

Challenging vintage due to the consequences of climate change, which brang investments in order to preserve the wine quality.

n 2023, the Italian wine production is expected to decrease below 44 Mln Hl in the first “UIV” and “Assoenologi” forecasts, recording a -12% loss compared to the 50 Mln Hl of the previous year. Technically it’s the lighter grape harvest, since 2017. Those data imply that Italy will possibly leave the leading position in the production ranking to France, characterized by a decrease of -2% in the production too (it’s expected to reach 45 Mln Hl). Also Spain is characterized by a drop in the production level.

A split country comes out from the 2023 Report by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forestry: on the one hand some Northern regions succeeded to maintain the previous year’s levels (+0,8%), on the other hand the Center and Southern regions (islands included) have been characterized by deep drops, 20% to 30% on average. These drops are caused by climate change, which deeply challenged our wine growers, especially the ones with organic production. Natural disasters hit several Regions, as the flood in Emilia-Romagna and drought and fires in Sicily. Heavy and frequent spring rains led to several grapevine diseases, as downy mildew, which reduced the production levels, especially in the South.

A challenging vintage could be said, with investments made to maintain quality and technical work by producers in order to mitigate the damages caused by the climate instability. The aim was to maintain the high expectation about the quality level of wine, pursuing excellence peaks.

These forecasts are merged with a raw material price context (particularly about packaging) which isn’t expected to return to a previous condition, despite last 18 months’ heavy increments. We have to wait the end of the harvest period in attempt to gain accurate considerations about 2023 wine harvest. The harvest process has been slowed down in order to keep suitable climate conditions for the late grapes’ harvest and maintain the qualitative characteristics.

Caviro, the largest vineyard in Italy, stands for several wine regions. As previously said, a part of them have been characterized by a deep drop in the production due to climate events and natural diseases. The company will support the wine growers, according to its mission based on sustainability and mutuality. It will provide the needed tools to go over this delicate period, while defending the market and the consumers.

Wine and must production in Italy (thousand hectoliters)





Var. % 23*

vs 22

Emilia-Romagna7.7457.2086.884-4,5 %
Toscana2.3112.3381.870-20,0 %
Marche892932699-25,0 %
Abruzzo3.3083.0851.851-40,0 %
Puglia9.59410.1337.600-25,0 %
Sicilia4.0733.5142.460-30,0 %
Italia50.29449.84343.873-12,0 %
Source: Agea (Agency for Agriculture Supplies) for 2018-2022 period and Assoenologi, Ismea (Institute of Services for the Agrofood Market) and UIV forecasts for 2023 in collaboration with Masaf and Region